A d v e r t i s e m e n t | press trip | When we arrived in the Amanzoe hotel last week we were amazed by the beauty of the architecture, the ultimate quiet vibes that this resort sends out. You feel immediately calm and start to relax. Some places have this relaxed mood, you know what I mean? I already visited the Aman in Bali and this hotel was designed by the same architect. The beautiful Amanzoe resort is located three hours south of Athens at the beautiful Greek peleponnes. The resort is a private villa resort, you can rent villas if you’d like and it has a spa, fitness room, main pools, a lot of restaurants, a libary (straight out of dream Hogwarts) and a beach club. The area is big, you drive around with a buggy and can enjoy the nature and sea views from everywhere. I am sure that the terrace of the lobby is as awesome wedding spot – to die for! Click ‘READ MORE’ to see what we did during our stay.

I was super happy to travel with the loveliest blogger group – @outsideboxx @marinacomes and @carleyscamera! Our villa came with a Greek cook and ‘house superviser’ – she took care of all our belongings and was super super sweet! We had a stunning bathtub, an outside shower and two (!!) walk in closets. The pool you can see belonged to our villa (with a pool house attached – crazy!) but unfortunately it was too cold outside to jump in.

T HE 9 B E D R O O M V I L L A
An amazing experience was to see the biggest villa of the area, located on top of the hill with views over both sides of the ocean. We don’t know who it belongs to but it must be someone with a great sense of style and architecture – I mean can you believe the views from the main infinity pool? It also has an own spa so you don’t need to go to the lobby. They also plant the vegetables here so they can use it from their own garden. If I would own this villa I would get totally lost – it is huuuge!

T H E H O T E L + S P A
It was planned to go on a sailing trip to the island Spetses but unfortunately a huge storm was approaching Greece and we had 10 degrees and cold north wind, the ferries weren’t allowed to go out so we didnt either. But we had more time to relax at the beach club which is a five minute buggy drive away. They also have a restaurant located at the beach and a little boutique shop. The beach with islands surrounded it absolutely stunning! I could see myself tanning here for weeks.

What is the best thing about Greece? The beautiful beaches? The stunning architecture? No, for me it is and will always be the Greek food. It is simple and so yummy. Feta, haloumi, olive oil, zucchini balls, lemon chicken, pita, Greek salad – it is like music to my ears! My boyfriend is the biggest Greece fan and spend all his summers there so it’s maybe because of him that I adore the Greek kitchen. We had the chance to visit a farm 5 minutes away from the resort, pet chicken and cows and had homemade warm bread, selfmade marmelade, spinach quiche and tomate scarmbled eggs – omg it was so yum! Thanks to the sweet old lady who prepared it only for us and welcomed us in her living room. You can book this at Amanzoe, don’t be afarid to ask them for the farm experience. Of course we enjoyed the restaurants in the Amanzoe as well – they had a world class sushi restaurant and greek style food as well. I can tell you – we ate all day, this was the best life! I was so happy that Noah could join me on the trip. Thank you sooo much Dolphin Capital, Liv and Silia, for making this trip happen! I hope to come back with sunny 30 degrees.