Thank you so much for all your responses to my stories from Finland. They were so many I could hardly answer all of them. I hope I could show you the countries uniqueness and the beauty of the wild north of Lapland. I think Finland should have sponsored me haha but in fact we paid everything by ourselves. We flew from Munich via Helsinki to Kittilä and had a short drive to the Igloo hotel ‘Levin Iglut’. LINK HERE It was a long dream of us to do a Huskie tour, visit this beautiful hotel and see the northern lights. In the last photo you can see them from our bedroom. They only showed up for 20 seconds but we met people that went five times and didn’t see them so wefelt quite lucky to see them trough the snow clouds. This experience was overall breathtaking and I can recommend everyone to GO NORTH! Please see attached all the details to our trip and your most asked questions.
Where to fly?
The Kittilä airport is super small but regular planes fly here with Finair.
How to get around?
You can rent cars, there’s a rental station at the aiport. We chose to go with taxis that are quite popular in Finland cause it works like Uber – everyone can have a ‘taksi’. There’re also buses because it’s a popular skiing area for Finnish people.
How’s the igloo hotel?
A pure dream, that’s all I can say. The restaurant has three, four and five courses and they serve raindeer a lot (tastes like steak). The high prices are worth the money. We had the smallest and cheapest igloo and it was not high season that’s why it was ‘only’ 400 dollars a night. The jacuzzi igloo starts at 1,500,-. There’s no sauna but they will arrange it for you.
What to do?
In the village of Kittilä / Levi you can ski, snowboard, visit raindeers, go ice skating on the lakes, do huskie tours, go sledding and go to spas / saunas in winter. In summer you can hike and bike of course.
How long did we stay?
We stayed for 5 dayys in autumn and felt like this was perfect to relax and do everything we wanted to do. We didn’t go skiing and if we would have, I would taken two nights more. The NORTHERN LIGHTS are visible from October – April. You have to remember that in December there’s nearly no sunlight.