What I really wanted to address and talk about is blogger friendships and networking in New York. I feel that in Germany, although we’re a super wealthy country and can be happy to live in such a safe environment, jealousy and staring at other people’s things is very common. Here in NY no one cares really about how you look and they even compliment you on the streets. I get compliments so often about my hair or clothing and it always makes my day better. Same is with networking here – I would say I have a really good network in Germany and only work for the brands I really wanna work with, but here in Manhattan it’s even easier to connect, everybody’s coming here to work and is trying to connect as much as possible. I really love this city and I think power woman should always support each other, we only rise by lifting others! I wanna work in this industry for the rest of my life and I think that karma always strikes back. We should all work together as bloggers and also speak about collabs and pricing etc.